What You’ll Learn To Do: Examine Ancient Roman art and its impact on art development over the years.
In Chapter 9 we will continue to examine Ancient Roman art. We will look at how this art contributed to the larger development of Western art. It is imperative to understand Ancient Roman art in order to see how it impacted later artistic developments.
Learning Activities
The learning activities for this module include:
- Review: Key Learning Items
The Roman Empire, Continued
- Read: Introduction to Art of the Middle Empire: Trajan and Hadrian
- Read: The Arch of Trajan
- Read & Watch: The Column of Trajan (video—4:55)
- Read & Watch: Hadrian’s Villa (video—8:04)
- Read & Watch: Maritime Theater, Hadrian’s Villa (video—5:01)
- Watch: Pair of Centaurs Fighting Cats of Prey from Hadrian’s Villa (4:47)
- Read & Watch: The Pantheon (video—8:31)
- Watch: Medea Sarcophagus (4:56)
- Watch: Equestrian Sculpture of Marcus Aurelius (3:47)
- Read: Late Empire Art
- Read & Watch: Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus (video—5:33)
- Read: Diocletian Art
- Read & Watch: Portraits of the Four Tetrarchs (video— 6:07)
- Read & Watch: Constantinian Art: The Arch of Constantine (video—10:56)
- Watch: Colossus of Constantine (4:31)
Extra Review
- Review: External Resources