What You’ll Learn To Do: Examine Byzantine art and understand its impact on later art.
In Chapter 12 we will examine Byzantine art. We will look at how this art contributed to the larger development of Western art. It is imperative to understand Byzantine art in order to see how it impacted later artistic developments.
Learning Activities
The learning activities for this chapter include:
- Read: Key Learning Items
Byzantine Art
- Read: The Byzantine Empire
- Read: Early Byzantine Art
- Read: Iconoclasm
- Watch: San Vitale (10:17)
- Watch: Ivory Panel with Archangel (4:24)
- Read: Middle Byzantine Art (c. 843–1204)
- Watch: The Harbaville Triptych (4:07)
- Read: Hagia Sophia
- Watch: Theotokos Mosaic, Apse, Hagia Sophia (5:01)
- Read: Late Byzantine (c. 1261–1453)
- Watch: Icon of Saint George (4:10)
- Watch: Icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy (6:20)
Extra Review
- Review: External Resources