Learning Objectives
After successful completion of this chapter, you will be able to:
- Understand and apply the concepts and terminology of Ancient Roman art
- Investigate and apply the fundamental questions we ask when looking at art objects from this era
- Discuss, collaborate, and generate understanding as to the meaning of Ancient Roman art
- Assess and evaluate the impact of Ancient Roman art on the continued evolution of Western art
Key Questions to Ask
While you are reviewing the content of this chapter, consider the following questions:
- What are the characteristic features of Roman art and architecture?
- How were the Romans inventive with their monuments and artistic styles?
- How did how Greek artistic ideas influence Roman art and architecture?
- What elements of Roman art and architecture do you still see today?
Key Vocabulary Terms
- continuous narration
- bas-relief
- barrel vault
- groin vault
- veristic portrait
- coffered dome
- oculus
- contrapposto stance
- triclinium
- fresco
- buon (true) fresco
- secco fresco
- Second Style Roman wall painting
- triumphal arch
Here are links to art history glossaries that will help you better understand the above key vocabulary terms.