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Introduction: Overview
Key Learning Items
Common Questions about Dates
A Beginner’s Guide to the History of Western Culture
Why Look at Art?
The Skill of Describing
Patronage and the Status of the Artist
Glossary of Art Terms
External Resources
Chapter 1 Overview
Prehistoric (Stone Age) Art
Prehistoric Art: Paleolithic Origins
Paleolithic Cave Paintings
Paleolithic Artifacts and Sculpture
Nude Woman (Venus of Willendorf)
Mesolithic Art
Star Carr Pendant
The Neolithic Revolution
Çatal Höyük
Chapter 2 Overview
Ancient Near East
Sumerian Art
The Invention of Writing
Art of Akkad and Ur
The Standard of Ur
Ziggurat of Ur
Victory Stele of Naram-Sin
Assyrian Art
Ashurbanipal Hunting Lions
Babylonian and Neo-Babylonian Art
Law Code Stele of King Hammurabi
Ishtar Gate and Processional Way
Art of the Persian Empire
Capital of a Column from the Audience Hall of the Palace of Darius I, Susa
Chapter 3 Overview
Ancient Egypt
Egyptian Art
Predynastic and Early Dynastic Art
Palette of Narmer
Old Kingdom Art
Seated Scribe
The Great Pyramids of Giza
Pyramid of Khufu
Pyramid of Khafre and the Great Sphinx
Pyramid of Menkaure
Middle Kingdom Art: Sculpture
Architecture of the Middle Kingdom
New Kingdom Art: Temples and Tombs
House Altar (Amarna Period)
Sculpture and Painting of the New Kingdom
Portrait Head of Queen Tiye
Bust of Nefertiti
Ramesses II
Late Period Art
The Rosetta Stone
Chapter 4 Overview
An introduction to the Ancient Aegean
Introduction to Cycladic Art
Cycladic Sculpture
Cycladic Frescoes
Introduction to Minoan Art
Minoan Architecture
Minoan Painting
Minoan Sculpture
Introduction to Mycenaean Art
Mycenaean Architecture: The "Palace" and Grave Circle A
The Lion Gate
The Treasury of Atreus
Mycenaean Metallurgy: The Mask of Agamemnon
Mycenaean Ceramics
Chapter 5 Overview
Introduction to Greek Art
Geometric Period
Geometric Greek Krater
Archaic Period
New York Kouros
Black Figure Amphora
Early Classical Period
Niobid Painter, Attic Red Figure Calyx-Krater
Classical Period
Spear Bearer
Myron, Discus Thrower
The Greek Temple
East and West Pediments, Temple of Aphaia
The Parthenon
Parthenon’s East Pediment
Parthenon Frieze
Parthenon Metopes
Late Classical Period
Lysippos: Farnese Herucles
Capitoline Venus
Chapter 6 Overview
Introduction into Hellenistic Art and Culture
After Praxiteles, Venus
Barberini Faun
Dying Gaul
Nike of Samothrace
The Pergamon Altar
Boxer at Rest
Alexander Mosaic
Laocoön and his Sons
Eros Sleeping and an Old Market Woman
Petra: An Introduction
Petra: Rock Cut Facades
Petra: Urban Metropolis
Chapter 7 Overview
Introduction to Etruscan Art
Early Etruscan Art
Etruscan Ceramics
Etruscan Sculpture
Etruscan Temples and Tombs
Apulu (Apollo of Veii)
Etruscan Necropolises of Cerveteri and Tarquinia
Sarcophagus of the Spouses
Late Etruscan Art
Chapter 8 Overview
Introduction to Ancient Roman Culture
A Virtual Tour of Ancient Rome
Introduction to Art During the Roman Republic
Roman Republic Architecture
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus (Rome)
Temple of Portunus
Veristic Male Portrait
Augustus and Art of the Early Empire
Ara Pacis
Portraiture in the Augustan Age
Head of Augustus
Augustus of Primaporta
Painting in the Early Roman Empire
Villa of Mysteries
Painted Garden
Arch of Titus
Chapter 9 Overview
Introduction to Art of the Middle Empire: Trajan and Hadrian
The Arch of Trajan
The Column of Trajan
Hadrian’s Villa
Maritime Theater, Hadrian’s Villa
Pair of Centaurs Fighting Cats of Prey from Hadrian's Villa
The Pantheon
Medea Sarcophagus
Equestrian Sculpture of Marcus Aurelius
Introduction to Late Empire Art
Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus
Diocletian Art
Portraits of the Four Tetrarchs
Constantinian Art: The Arch of Constantine
Basilica Nova and the Colossus of Constantine
Chapter 10 Overview
Early Jewish Art
Introduction to Early Christianity
The Christianization of the Roman Empire
Introduction to Early Christian Art
Santa Maria Antiqua Sarcophagus
Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus
Santa Pudenziana
Santa Sabina
Santa Maria Maggiore
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
Chapter 11 Overview
Early Medieval Art
Sutton Hoo Ship Burial
Medieval Manuscripts
The Bestiary
The Lindisfarne Gospels
Carolingian Art
Lindau Gospels Cover
Palatine Chapel, Aachen
Ottonian Art
Bronze Doors of Saint Michael's
Gospel Book of Otto III
Chapter 12 Overview
The Byzantine Empire
Early Byzantine Art
San Vitale
Ivory Panel with Archangel
Middle Byzantine Art (c. 843–1204)
The Harbaville Triptych
Hagia Sophia
Theotokos Mosaic, Apse, Hagia Sophia
Late Byzantine (c. 1261–1453)
Icon of Saint George
Icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy
Chapter 13 Overview
Introduction to Romanesque Art
Pilgrimage Routes
Church Architecture
Abbaye of Fontenay
Saint Trophime
Last Judgment Tympanum
Virgin from Ger
Historiated Capitals
Painting: Wise and Foolish Virgins
Bayeux Tapestry
Chapter 14 Overview
St. Denis
Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres
Gothic Architecture
Southwell Minister
Salisbury Cathedral
Blanche of Castile
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